In addition to her successful career, Jane finds time to use her public speaking and business savvy skills to give back to her community. She has also mentored many businesswomen.
Dr. Carolyn Leach Huntoon, Epsilon Beta, Northwestern State - Louisiana, Woman of the Year 1977
Carolyn Huntoon with President Ford
Jan McBurney Armstrong, Oregon State - Chi, Woman of the Year 1974
Jan Armstrong with Jaguars
Jan Armstrong with Polar Bears
Jean Haley Harper, North Dakota - Upsilon, Woman of the Year 1998
Jean Haley Harper Skydiving
Jane Carter Handly, Lenoir-Rhyne - Zeta Xi, Woman of the Year 2007
Jane Handly Inspiring Ideas
Jean Wickstrom Liles, Alabama - Alpha Gamma, Woman of the Year 2002
Jean Liles Honored at University of Alabama
Mercedes Bates, Oregon State - Chi, Woman of the Year 1970
Betty Crocker's Picture Cookbook
Dr. Mary Hill Fulstone, California/Berkeley - Mu, 1950 Woman of the Year
Dr. Mary Hill Fulstone Plaque
Dr. Mary Hill Fulstone Receives First Woman of the Year Award in 1950
Dr. Mildred Freburg Berry, Iota - Iowa, 1951 Woman of the Year
Dr. Mildred Berry Center
Dr. Mildred Freburg Berry's Achievements
Dr. Helen Johnston, Iowa - Iota, 1957 Woman of the Year
Dr. Helen Johnston Served on National Council
Defense Advisory Committee on Women
Dr. Martha Wilson MacDonald, Pittsburgh - Omicron, 1980 Woman of the Year
Dr. Martha Wilson MacDonald's Work
Dr. Martha Wilson MacDonald Receives Woman of the Year Award